This is the second cartoon mural I've done, and it's based on the great Fantasia 2000 segment "Rhapsody in Blue". This mural was painted in the hallway of my parents home in Van

The characters on the left side of the wall portray the characters in the Rockefeller Center ice skating section of the film.

Below: The guest bedroom door.

The right wall next to the door:

This is the opposite corridor to my room. The opening city shot is on my door, and this is basically the Rachel corridor, showing the montage of her life.

The other montage wall, with the building drawn on on the towel cabinet and drawers:

My little cousin Kyla
oohing and
ahhing the mural ;)
And last but not least...
....Flying John...on the bathroom door, respectively.
These are nice, Eric Goldberg is definitely your favorite animator :) I will let you know of any job leads I hear.